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Frequency of Hypomagnesemia Among Hospitalized Patients in a Nigerian Tertiary Hospital

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Magnesium deficiency is associated with increased morbidity and mortality among hospitalized patients and yet it was reported to be one of the most under-diagnosed electrolyte disturbances, as plasma magnesium is not part of the routine electrolyte panel in most hospitals in our setting. Previous studies reported varied prevalence of magnesium deficiency among hospitalized patients. We aimed have to determine the frequency of hypomagnesemia, and the underlying clinical conditions associated with it, among hospitalized patients at a tertiary hospital in north eastern Nigeria. Across-sectional study carried out among one hundred and eighty (180) hospitalized patients. Clinical details of study subjects were obtained from hospital case notes. Plasma magnesium was measured using colorimetric method and frequency of hypomagnesemia determined. Frequency of hypomagnesemia was 18.3%. 81.7%had normal plasma magnesium levels and none of the subjects had hypermagnesemia. Proportion of subjects with hypomagnesemia was higher in subjects aged

50 years compared to the younger subjects aged <50 years (59.1% vs. 12.7%, p < 0.05). Hypomagnesemia was common among type 2 diabetic patients and those on diuretic therapy (proportion of 20% and 29.4% respectively). Hypomagnesemia is common among hospitalized patients in our setting, with type 2 diabetic patients and those on diuretics therapy frequently affected. We recommend routine estimation of magnesium status among hospitalized patients at risk of low magnesium status.We also recommend further studies that will investigate the role of magnesium deficiency in the outcome (morbidity and mortality) of hospitalized patients in our setting.

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